Chart Of The Day

chart of the day

chart of the day
Chart of the Day - The Rise and Rise of Ryanair
Ryanair carried 14% more passengers in February 2023 than it did in February 2019, making this February its highest February on record in passenger vo.....
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chart of the day
Chart of the Day - The Asia/Pacific Bounce Back
December results from the region’s biggest airports show some big improvements with airports as diverse as Mumbai, Singapore and Sydney now lead.....
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chart of the day
Great News for Hainan Island as Air Passengers Increase Dramatically
Since the latest bout of Covid cases on Hainan Island weekly air passenger arrivals had been in steep decline.  The picture for the last 7 days h.....
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chart of the day
Covid Vaccination Progress
Today’s Chart of the Day shows the top 15 countries in the world for the number of Covid vaccinations per 100 people. As of Monday th.....
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