Asia/pacific Travel Demand

Asia/Pacific travel demand

Asia/Pacific travel demand
India; Caution Would not go Amiss
Indian international passenger numbers in July, recorded not estimated from the country's 26 international airports, were 8.2% up on 2023 and 10.4% ah.....
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Asia/Pacific travel demand
Asia/Pacific Leaps Ahead in February
With February PAX actuals from 700 global airports now on the Air4casts reporting system, today’s traffic bulletin highlights results from the b.....
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Asia/Pacific travel demand
February Air Traffic Review
1150 Airports have now declared their total passenger numbers for the month of February. All data comes from the Air4casts Traffic Control module. .....
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Asia/Pacific travel demand
Air Travel Trends in 2021
The answers to just two simple questions will say it all: ✓ how strong will any recovery be next year and ✓ under what condition.....
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