Airport Shopping

airport shopping

airport shopping
USA Market Visitor Profile: Is the Indian Visitor Hype Just That?
Air4casts’ second half tourism outlook for the USA focuses on visitors from the Asia/Pacific region. It is certainly the case that tourists f.....
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airport shopping
The Affluent Chinese Traveller Survey
Back after the Covid years, the Air4casts quarterly rolling survey of 1000 affluent Chinese travellers returned in full in Quarter 4 of last year to t.....
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airport shopping
Luxury Brand Outlets: Where are The 800?
The Luxury Shopper Module, previewed here for Cannes 2023, allows the tracking of some 800 stand-alone outlets: in just 60 airport terminals, no mo.....
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airport shopping
Female Chinese Shoppers Return to South Korea
This was certainly the case in May where the latest inbound visitor numbers show a clear return in both Chinese and Japanese visitors to the pre-pande.....
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airport shopping
Summer in Europe: The Retailers to Watch
    Because anecdotal evidence of moves towards liberalisation of travel in Europe is growing daily, the question arises: which of the .....
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