China Domestic Flights

China Domestic Flights

China Domestic Flights
DFNI Exclusive: Chinese New Year domestic travel set to break all records
Click here to read the full article on DFNI.Alternatively, you can read one below.The latest edition of the Traveller Insights Series, produced exclus.....
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China Domestic Flights
2023 China Passenger Forecast
The first of the monthly updated 2023 forecast sets has today been uploaded to client sites.   CHINA FOCUS Necessarily a focus of interest.....
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China Domestic Flights
Great News for Hainan Island as Air Passengers Increase Dramatically
Since the latest bout of Covid cases on Hainan Island weekly air passenger arrivals had been in steep decline.  The picture for the last 7 days h.....
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China Domestic Flights
China’s Domestic Air Traffic Down 40%
After an encouraging July upswing in domestic air travel on mainland China, August proved problematical.   Once again the Chinese governmen.....
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China Domestic Flights
China Domestics: Good Weekend News
Domestic flight departures this weekend brought more welcome news for China watchers:   ✓ Sunday departures jumped by a thousand day to.....
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China Domestic Flights
Chinese Domestics in Freefall
No China watcher can have missed the recent and rapid rise in Covid cases: 5280 at the March 15 count.           &.....
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