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Mixed Messages from China
October is a month of mixed signals in China for retail sales in the important travel retail product sectors. The central message is one of higher spe.....
October Forecast Update: Looking to the Future
The latest forecast uploaded to clients' servers today are broadly in line with the outlook generated a month ago. In summary and for the full ye.....
The US Land Border Market in July
The July data for US land borders, just released, shows that some 21 million people entered the country over land during the month which in broad term.....
India; Caution Would not go Amiss
Indian international passenger numbers in July, recorded not estimated from the country's 26 international airports, were 8.2% up on 2023 and 10.4% ah.....
3.7 Million Chinese Citizens Visited Hong Kong in August
Released today, the August data for the arrival of Chinese citizens into Hong Kong, when compared with 2023, shows a 31% increase in air passengers an.....
China Airports; Appreciably Better in July
After the disappointments of May and June the July results for China's international airports make much better reading. International Passengers .....
July Forecast Update: an Asia/Pacific Recovery?
In the latest forecast update now available to subscribers there will necessarily be the same subscriber focus on events and developments in the Asia/.....
USA Market Visitor Profile: Is the Indian Visitor Hype Just That?
Air4casts’ second half tourism outlook for the USA focuses on visitors from the Asia/Pacific region. It is certainly the case that tourists f.....
May Forecast Update
Two features are important in this most recent forecast update which has been uploaded for clients today.   The 2019 Recovery Benchmark .....
December Traffic: Mixed Messages at the Close of the Year
  The Air4casts data service focuses on December data from the airlines and airports.   Ryanair and Wizz Air Surge Ahead of 2019 .....
The Luxury Traveller in First Class
While any announcement of the death of First Class travel is premature, there are certainly challenges ahead.   ✓ the longer-term context.....
The Luxury Traveller: South Koreans Spend Most
According to a recent study by Morgan Stanley South Koreans are now the world’s biggest spenders on luxury goods.     The inv.....
Forecast Update May 2023
The pace of recovery, and especially in Asia/Pacific, is certainly accelerating as the forecast to forecast comparison indicates:   ✓.....
Almost 200 March Airports Beat 2019
With March 2023 passenger actuals from over 600 airports already declared, today’s traffic bulletin looks at how they performed against 2019, wi.....
Tracking the Chinese Traveller
With Chinese outbound travel gaining strength Air4casts will, over the coming weeks, analyse each of the key Chinese destination markets.   .....
Forecast Update February 2023
Today’s update, and looking primarily at the full year 2024, is hardly different from the projections developed a month ago and when those proje.....
The China International Recovery; January Latest
The recovery is happening but is best described as restrained.   Departing Flights to Sunday 22 January The latest data for internatio.....
China’s Domestic Travel Takes Off
What a difference a week makes.  While international air travel out of China has remained quiet since the 8th January Covid rules relaxation, dom.....
Hainan Now in Real Recovery Mode
Subscribers to the Air4casts ChinaDomestic module are avid watchers of our weekly air passenger numbers from the island’s biggest airport, Haiko.....
October International PAX - Asia/Pacific and the USA
Over 1000 airports are now on the Air4casts system with October PAX actuals.  Today’s traffic bulletin examines the contrasting internation.....
Changes in China Policy: Hong Kong Flight Schedules
This week Air4casts is reporting on five important traffic indicators: #1 to Watch; Daily Domestic Travel - Yesterday #2 to Watch; Hong Kong Flight .....
Changes in China Policy; Watch Out for Five Indicators
For the next four days Air4casts will be exploring five important traffic indicators which, taken together and separately, may be interpreted as indic.....
Hainan and Macau Beat the Golden Week Trend
While many regions in China experienced muted domestic air travel levels last week there is better news from both Hainan and Macau.   Overa.....
Japan’s Changing Airport Nationality Mix
From 11 October foreign tourists will again be able to visit Japan without a visa and without using a travel agency. Today’s Air4casts bulletin .....
Changing Traveller Demographics
Outbound air travellers in many countries are exhibiting significant demographic changes compared to pre-pandemic 2019.     Today&rsqu.....
Forecast Update September 2022
The latest September forecast updates have now been uploaded to client sites. Forecast to forecast there are changes, subtle for some airports and in .....
The Global Recovery: International Passengers
August data confirms the slowdown in the post Covid recovery:   ✓ internationals started the year on just 39% of 2019 ✓ last mo.....
Forecast Update August 2022
The latest monthly forecasts have today been uploaded to client sites.   Europe and North America This Year and Next The rate of recover.....
European Summer: June Data Points the Way
Almost 300 European airports have so far declared their June passenger results.   They are 13% points higher than in May prompting the im.....
Asia/Pacific: May Internationals
For the 22 countries in Asia/Pacific, May international airport passenger numbers are:   ✓ 22% up on April, but still only ✓ 24% of .....
Asia/Pacific April International Recovery Index
Hard evidence for an international recovery across airports in Asia/Pacific is growing monthly.   The market is two-speed: ✓ in the .....
March Traffic Update
Today Air4casts has March departure and arrival data for 557 airports across the six regions. Taking international and domestic passengers together th.....
US Question: Is Long-Haul Back?
US Question: Is Long-Haul Back? The strength of US demand for travel to leisure destinations throughout Latin America is well documented. The state.....
Russia Forecast Update
The international and domestic forecasts for all Russian departures and arrivals have again been revised downward.         .....
Forecast Update March 2022
The latest monthly forecasts for almost 1600 global airports and 200 travelling nationalities have today been uploaded to client sites. Notwithstan.....
Ukraine - The March Downsides
In all of the misery and chaos that is Ukraine it is perhaps timely to enquire as to the possible effects on air travel in the short-term and specific.....
Recovery USA: International Focus
December data, available through Air4casts, for 175 international airports in the USA shows passenger levels at 63% of the 2019 level.   Th.....
Omicron Flight Cancellations: Apparent or Real?
Over the holiday period there was a surge in breathless press reports, many of them beginning in the USA, pointing to a an unprecedented level of flig.....
Delhi Breaks the Asia/Pacific Mould
Since the month of July Delhi’s international passengers have been on a steady and welcome upward path.      Since the middle .....
Air4casts ChinaDomestic Webinar Is Online
Air4casts' China Domestic data webinar is now available for view in the link below.   Click Here. Happy watching!
A Week is a Long Time in the Travel Business
There is a tiny body of executives within the the subscriber community which is exercised by changes to the forecasts. Perhaps missing the point that .....
Dubai Posts Highest PAX Numbers in 18 Months
In an encouraging sign of the gathering pace of recovery Dubai airport’s September PAX were the highest since the start of the pandemic. &nbs.....
Latest September Forecast Update
The latest September forecasts have today been uploaded to client sites.   Ryanair, for the month of October, is forecasting to sel.....
The Weekly China Report
This week’s Hainan report has been updated with the latest weekly Haikou Meilan airport passenger data for the week ended Wednesday 21 July .....
Latest Forecast Review
The latest forecasts for over 1500 airports have today been uploaded to client websites. This briefing examines the latest outlook by region. &.....
Chinese Air PAX up 745% in 15 Days
What a difference two weeks makes. On 12th February China’s airports handled just 162 thousand passengers, a decrease of 90% points on the l.....
Will Vaccinations Hold the Key?
Hard to argue that they will not but harder still to predict the sorts of release mechanisms which will exist and where. It is quite possib.....
The Risks of Using Inflated Travel Data
Today’s Air4casts Recovery Briefing video looks at the importance of the weekly and monthly passenger actuals that come direct from the airp.....
Air Travel Trends in 2021
The answers to just two simple questions will say it all: ✓ how strong will any recovery be next year and ✓ under what condition.....
US International Air Departures on the Rise Again
September international air passenger traffic from every US airport is now available to Air4casts and it is showing the lowest rate of decline since t.....
US August Internationals Up 24% on July
The US August data set is a substantial 159 international airports.   It indicates that the recovery which was well under way in July has now.....
Tracking Daily Air Traveller Numbers in the USA
Today's Chart of the Day from Air4casts examines the daily air passenger count across US airports. Passenger departures are running at a significa.....
China International Recovery Setback
In response to announcements by national airlines that they intended a rapid return to fuller international schedules, the Chinese Civil Aviation Auth.....
China Daily; May Data Confirms the Recovery
The latest passenger numbers, for 12 May and principally domestic passengers, show that the recovery is continuing even after the excitement of the ho.....
South Korea in April: A Single Bright Spot
Airport passenger actuals for the period ending 28 April do not yet quite complete the month but they are a sufficient indicator of the present state .....
March Airport Actuals: Domestic Focus
It is all too evident that, for international passenger numbers at least, the March actuals are simply one step away from an April which is as close t.....
China Recovery Watching
Today's Air4casts bulletin analyses the domestic and international March airport passenger counts from China's top airports.   .....
China Domestic Recovery Watch; Hotel Occupancy
Hotel occupancy rates are one of the best available weekly indicators of any recovery in Chinese domestic travel and this summary provides an invaluab.....
COVID-19; Today’s Airport Passenger Updates
Today’s Coronavirus briefing focuses on two crucial crisis data strands ✓ hard February airport passenger data and ✓ the Chine.....
COVID-19 Spread; Implications for Travel Retail
There are today over 60 thousand confirmed cases worldwide which must necessarily prompt questions about the rate of spread in the coming days and abo.....