Forecast Update January 2025
The shape of the global forecast update, uploaded to subscribers' servers today, conforms to the familiar linear pattern. Taking as an example the yea.....
Reviewing the International Recovery
Uploaded to client sites today, a scan of the top 100 international countries indicates that 39 of them will fail to push their full year 2024 passeng.....
May Forecast Update
Two features are important in this most recent forecast update which has been uploaded for clients today.
The 2019 Recovery Benchmark
The September Forecast Predictions
There remain two areas of uncertainty in the forecast revisions which have been uploaded today.
What is Happening in China
The rate of.....
Air4casts is On the App Store!
We are delighted to let you know that the latest Air4casts iPhone .....
2023 International Passenger Forecast
There is growing excitement about the prospects for an accelerated recovery in Asia/Pacific international traffic.
In the case of Hong Ko.....
October International PAX - Asia/Pacific and the USA
Over 1000 airports are now on the Air4casts system with October PAX actuals. Today’s traffic bulletin examines the contrasting internation.....
July Forecast Review
This forecast, for both 2022 and 2023, is below the projection generated a month ago. Of itself this is of importance but perhaps of more importance i.....
June Forecast Update
Subscriber interest this month is likely to be focused on airports in the Western Hemisphere since there is an inevitable acceptance among subscribers.....
Air4casts iPhone App Update
Download the latest version of the Air4casts iPhone app today! The Air4casts Infographics Premium app has just been updated with beautiful.....
Forecast Update March 2022
The latest monthly forecasts for almost 1600 global airports and 200 travelling nationalities have today been uploaded to client sites.
Forecast Update February 2022
The latest forecast revisions have been uploaded to subscribers’ websites.
The initial fears which were Omicron have receded th.....
Air4casts Launches the China Domestic Module
Have you tried our new ChinaDomestic module?
The new ChinaDomestic module has been developed by Air4casts in response to the need for fast and accu.....
Almost 70% of Europeans plan to travel by the end of January 2022
This latest consumer survey of 6000 respondents highlights the strength of demand for both domestic and intra-regional travel in Europe.
Europe’s Holiday Airports Shine in August
With over 600 airports already reporting their August PAX data, today’s Air4casts’ bulletin looks at the progress being made at European h.....
Latest September Forecast Update
The latest September forecasts have today been uploaded to client sites.
Ryanair, for the month of October, is forecasting to sel.....
Latest August Forecast Update
The latest monthly forecasts for airports, terminals, nationalities, routes and airlines have today been uploaded to client sites. Read on for the.....
May Forecast Update
The latest May forecasts for 1500 airports have today been uploaded to client sites. Today's Air4casts bulletin examines the outlook by region.....
March Latest Actuals
Air4casts has, to date, recorded March passenger actuals from 550 airports around the world which, for the moment is dominated by China whose mass.....
Domestic Air Travel Update March 2021
A central feature of the 400 airports that have, to date, reported their March domestic passenger actuals is the resurgence in the Chinese market .....
March Internationals on the Up
Today’s Air4casts bulletin looks at March international departures from the world’s largest airports.
Airport actuals are uploa.....
Latest Forecast Review
The latest forecasts for over 1500 airports have today been uploaded to client websites. This briefing examines the latest outlook by region.
Summer in Europe: The Retailers to Watch
Because anecdotal evidence of moves towards liberalisation of travel in Europe is growing daily, the question arises: which of the .....
Asian Airlines in Q4
In last week’s similar post on how European airlines view their prospects for the summer season, Air4casts were able to report some very con.....
The Risks of Using Inflated Travel Data
Today’s Air4casts Recovery Briefing video looks at the importance of the weekly and monthly passenger actuals that come direct from the airp.....
Covid-19: Travel Restrictions are Largely Ineffective
It is perhaps a little unlikely that many subscribers will be attentive readers of the “Lancet”: the world’ leading medical jour.....
Tourists Top 9 Million and Cosmetics Sales Soar
The Hainan provincial government’s monthly report for October highlights the extent of the island’s emergence as the key.....
Good News from the USA
From the 150 airports who have already declared their international passenger data for the month of November there is:
✓ undoubtedl.....
November Departures Give Grounds for Optimism, Europe Apart
International departures for the first two weeks of this month do confirm that, in five out of the six regions of the world, a recovery is under w.....
Coronavirus Impacts Airport Rankings
The Air4casts Coronavirus module updates the 2020 monthly forecasts by airport and nationality every day to take into account each new hard piece of d.....